7 Ways to Support Your Memory

7 Ways to Support Your Memory

What is Memory?

Memory is our ability to store and recall information. This can be words, facts, events, feelings, smells, images, or skills, for example, which means that there are many different types of memory. 

The concept of memory is most intuitively associated with the enduring storage of information, which is known as long-term memory. But there are elements of memory that are meant to be fleeting. This is known as short-term memory and it refers to the transient storage of a small amount of information that you only need for a short amount of time; it includes working memory, which is something that you hold in mind briefly as part of a task or to build speech and explain an idea, for example. 

Long-term memory is where your life stories, your skills, and the facts you know are stored. Memory is dynamic—it is constantly being reshaped by new things you learn, new stories you hear, and even by the act of recalling something. 

Long-term memory can be divided into different subtypes of memory. Declarative or explicit memory refers to things that can be consciously and purposely recalled such as life stories, facts, and general knowledge; we can think of it as our “know-what.” Declarative memory can be further divided into semantic memory—general meanings, concepts, and facts—and episodic memory—experiences and autobiographical events (our life stories) that are associated with a time, a place, and emotions. Procedural or implicit memory is a more unconscious type of memory that often doesn’t require purposeful recalling, such as our memory of skills and how to do things, i.e., of procedures—it’s our “know-how.” Other types of memory include, for example, sensory memory, which is remembering information from our senses, i.e., what something looks, smells, tastes, sounds, or feels like.

Our specific memories are built from these different elements, which are all stored in different areas of the cerebral cortex. When we remember something, the brain retrieves the elements of a memory spread throughout the brain and reactivates them; together, they form a unique neuronal pattern that you experience as that memory.

Although there is no single memory storage area in the brain, there are a few brain regions that play key roles in the process of memory. One of the most important is the hippocampus, which participates in the conversion of short-term memories into long-term memories and is essential for visual-spatial and episodic memory, for example. Among its functions, the hippocampus is believed to have the important function of providing a spatial and temporal framework for remembering and relating experiences by creating a ‘cognitive map’ of the experienced world [1,2]. 

What Affects Memory?

One of the most obvious signs of aging is taking a bit longer to recall words, names, etc. Age-related memory loss is perfectly normal. As we age, the brain goes through changes that can affect its optimal performance, just as it happens in the rest of the body. Forgetfulness is one of the manifestations of those changes. 

For example, certain regions of the brain tend to lose volume with aging. One of the most affected is the hippocampus, which due to its key role in memory can contribute to some of the forgetfulness that develops as we age [3]. Synaptic plasticity, which is essential for the neural process of learning and storing memories, also tends to decline with age [4]. Furthermore, antioxidant defenses in the brain also diminish with age, leading to the gradual development of oxidative stress, which is among the main causes of cognitive aging [5]. This can be further exacerbated by poorer vascular function (i.e., blood circulation), which affects the delivery to the brain of oxygen and nutrients and the removal of waste, both of which are required for healthy cognitive performance [6].

Memory is not the only aspect of brain function that changes with aging: executive functions, for example, also decline. These include cognitive abilities such as planning, reasoning, problem-solving, and cognitive flexibility (i.e., the ability to shift attention between tasks or stimuli) [7].

And it’s not only age that can cause memory decline: lifestyle factors such as poor diet, sedentarism, stress, and poor sleep can all contribute to poorer memory performance. 

Tips for Memory Support

Although age has a massive influence on our memory, how age impacts our brain varies from person to person and can be influenced to a large extent by how well we take care of our body, namely through the lifestyle choices we make. So here are a few lifestyle-based tips for maintaining a healthy brain and supporting memory.

1. Healthy Diet

Diet is important to all aspects of health, both of the body and the mind. Food supplies all the energy and nutrients your brain needs to function properly. Healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and seafood are sources of essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and metabolic precursors that are used for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, neuronal communication, cell energy metabolism, and building cell membranes and organelles, all of which are key for healthy brain function and memory. For example, choline is a dietary precursor for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which has a key role in the neural mechanisms of memory [8].

Food also provides compounds that may contribute indirectly to brain health. For example, polyphenols and other bioactive compounds found in healthy foods can help support the brain’s antioxidant defense systems, maintain a youthful brain, and promote cognitive health [9,10]. Healthy dietary patterns have been associated with a slower progression of aging, delayed physical decline, and better cognitive performance in older age [11–13]. 

Unhealthy diets high in processed foods, salt, unhealthy fats, and added sugar can promote oxidative stress, unhealthy immune signaling, and metabolic deregulation, for example [14–18]. In animal studies, unhealthy diets have been linked to reduced synaptic plasticity and poorer cerebral blood flow associated with impairments in short-term and long-term memory and learning capacity [19–23].

Therefore, to support your memory, eat a diversified diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and unprocessed protein, and avoid alcohol and processed highly palatable fatty, sugary, and salty foods. And don’t forget the brain also needs plenty of water [24].

Cognitive benefits may also be obtained from caloric restriction and intermittent or periodic fasting. In animals, caloric restriction supported hippocampal synaptic plasticity and long-term memory consolidation and learning [25–28]. In humans, caloric restriction supported memory performance in healthy elderly subjects [29].

2. Exercise 

Physical activity is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and one of the most important factors for maintaining physical and cognitive health. Exercise is beneficial for all aspects of human health, from cardiovascular and metabolic health, immune signaling, and endocrine signaling to mitochondrial function, cell energy production, and antioxidant defenses. All of these support healthy brain function [30,31]. A sedentary lifestyle, on the other hand, can accelerate functional declines as you age, particularly in cardiovascular and metabolic function, which can result in a deterioration of cognitive performance [32]. 

Physical activity also has specific benefits to brain health—it supports cerebral blood flow and metabolism, healthy neuronal function, neurotransmitter levels, neuronal communication, and neuroprotective functions [33–39]. All of these benefits may contribute to the support of memory performance. Studies have shown that functional and structural brain adaptations associated with exercise and better aerobic fitness are associated with improved memory [40–42]. 

One of the great benefits of exercise is supporting neuroplasticity and healthy brain structure in individuals of all ages [40,43–48]. Being physically active and fit has been linked to a support of gray matter volume in the cortex, hippocampal integrity, and hippocampal volume [36,37,41,49–51]. This structural support is important because it may help to offset one of the main consequences of brain aging—brain atrophy, i.e., the loss of volume in specific brain regions [51–54]. 

The hippocampus is one of the most affected structures. As shown in a few studies in older adults, exercise may help not only to delay an age-related loss of volume in the hippocampus but also to actually restore hippocampal volume [36,50,55,56], which may contribute to memory support. In one study, older individuals who simply walked for 40 minutes three times a week showed improvements in memory and a 2% increase in hippocampal volume over one year, which corresponds to reversing age-related losses by 1 to 2 years [41].

Avoiding sedentarism can be difficult for people who have desk jobs that require prolonged sitting, for example, but it’s important to always try to find a way to get some exercise in. Studies have shown that breaking up prolonged sitting with physical activity breaks (like a short walk, stair climbing, squats, or at very least simply standing for a while) helps to support healthy cerebral blood flow and metabolism, and by doing so, to maintain healthy brain function [57–59].

3. Mental Stimulation

The mind needs to be exercised as much as the body does to be kept in good shape. Anything that stimulates your mind is a good form of mental exercise, as it can help you keep your brain plastic and adaptable and support your memory and learning capacity. Your mind can be stimulated by simple things you can add to your routine like reading, playing brain-training games, doing crosswords, or going to the movies or a play, for example. 

There are also more complex strategies you may adopt. Cognitive training methods are a good option for memory support. For example, the Method of Loci, or Memory Palace, is a cognitive training strategy that helps to memorize information by placing each item to be remembered in a logical order in a familiar spatial environment, such as rooms in a building, for example (loci is the Latin word for places). In one study with middle-aged and elderly healthy volunteers, memory training using the Method of Loci supported memory performance by promoting neuroplasticity in the cerebral cortex [60]. 

A great strategy to support cognitive health and memory is learning something new. Learning promotes neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s capacity to adapt and change aspects of its function and structure and what allows us to learn and become more skilled with practice. Neuroplasticity is a key feature underlying cognitive function, but it declines gradually as we age. Mentally and physically stimulating activities such as taking up a musical instrument, learning a new language, learning to juggle, or even playing video games help to maintain and promote functional and structural brain plasticity and neural connectivity. By doing so, they stimulate different aspects of cognition, including not only memory performance but also information processing, attention, and executive function [60–68]. Learning new things can be particularly great for your brain because novelty is more stimulating to the brain than familiar stimuli [69,70]. 

4. Socialization

Social activity is an undervalued factor for maintaining a healthy mind. Although research on the influence of social activity on cognition is not as extensive as for other lifestyle factors, there are still several studies that show that it can play a significant part in your cognitive health and general health and well-being as we age [71–74]. 

Several studies have indicated that maintaining a socially active lifestyle may benefit cognitive performance, particularly in later life when it tends to decline [75]. Participating in social activities such as social groups, group leisure-time activities, organized social activities, or simply informal social interactions was associated with healthier cognitive function in older adults [76–78]. 

Social isolation and feelings of loneliness, on the other hand, can contribute to a decline in cognitive function as we age. In middle-aged and older adults, social isolation has been linked to poorer overall cognition and poorer performance in several aspects of cognitive function, namely memory, but also executive function and attention, for example [79,80].

5. Sleep

Sleep is essential for a healthy brain. Stable sleep patterns of about 7 hours/night have been shown to promote the clearance of detrimental metabolites in the brain, healthy brain structure, and cognitive performance in healthy adults [81–83]. 

Among its many important functions, sleep supports memory consolidation and learning [84,85]. Several studies have associated healthy sleep patterns with learning and memory performance in humans [86–88], whereas individuals with poor sleep exhibited decreased sleep-dependent memory consolidation [89,90]. 

How we sleep impacts memory directly but also impacts other aspects of cognitive function that can contribute indirectly to memory performance—your alertness, capacity to pay attention, and your ability to process information, regardless of your age [91–94]. Getting a proper amount of good quality sleep is also crucial for replenishing mental energy and waking up with a sharp mind able to quickly access memory [95]. 

A good night’s sleep is about more than just time spent sleeping, it’s also about the quality of sleep — how effective and regenerative it is [96,97]. Adopting good sleep hygiene practices may help you get sounder sleep: set a sleep schedule; unplug from light-emitting devices 30-60 min before bedtime; make your bedroom dark, silent, relaxing, and at a comfortable cool temperature; and avoid large meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime [98,99]. 

6. Mindfulness

Psychological stress is known to be highly detrimental to the body and the mind. Persistent psychological stress triggers physiological responses that can have a negative impact on brain function and on many aspects of cognitive performance, including memory [100]. Stress puts the body and mind in an energy-consuming state of alertness that wastes cognitive resources, drains mental energy, and affects your capacity to recall information [101–103]. 

In animals, continued exposure to elevated levels of stress hormones was linked to several detrimental alterations in brain structure, including reduced volume of the hippocampus [100]. Likewise, in humans, persistent stress and high cortisol levels were linked to memory impairments and decreases in hippocampal volume and cortical thickness [104–106]. 

Finding strategies to better cope with stress may help harness its negative effects. A good option is to engage in activities that help to support stress resilience such as meditation or yoga [107,108]. Mindfulness practices may help to reduce the effects of stress by promoting mental, emotional, and physical well-being and relaxation. Its effects are noticeable at a physiological level, as it has been shown to reduce stress hormone production [109–111], meaning it may help to combat the damaging effects of stress on hippocampal structure and cognitive performance.

7. Brain Supplements

There are several supplements that can promote brain health by supporting the functional and structural health of the brain, including processes such as neurotransmitter synthesis, neuronal communication, synaptic plasticity, brain structure, structural plasticity, cerebral blood flow and metabolism, and antioxidant defenses and neuroprotective functions. All of these can contribute to promoting cognitive health and, consequently, healthy memory performance.*

Qualia Mind

Brain supplements support different aspects of cognitive performance, but they can be combined to provide comprehensive support of cognitive function.* This is Qualia’s formulation approach and the one we used to develop Qualia Mind, our flagship nootropic. 

We recently upgraded Qualia Mind to its new and improved 2.0 version. One of the upgrades to our formula was additional memory support. Qualia Mind includes three ingredients that have been shown to support memory in clinical studies: Ginkgo biloba Leaf Extract [112–116], Nutricog®, a blend of Terminalia chebula Fruit Extract and Boswellia serrata Gum Resin Extract, and Lutemax Brain Marigold Flower Extract, a source of the macular pigments Lutein and Zeaxanthin [117–119].* 

Qualia Mind combines brain health ingredients with different and complementary benefits for multiple aspects of healthy brain function and cognitive performance. This results in a supplement that comprehensively supports cognition and memory. You can learn more about it in our article about the science behind Qualia Mind.* 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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