Qualia Mind Reviews

Patrick M. - 2022-09-04
Seems like a great product. But cancel my subscription please! As there isn’t a cancel option.
Jason P. - 2022-08-30
I have been focusing a bit more on focusing, not sure if it is a by-product of the investments of time and money or the supplements.
A F. - 2022-08-28
Still new to it, but it seems to make me more energetic
Gabriel M. - 2022-08-22
I ordered Qualia Mind and could see the difference almost instantly. Only down side is the caffeine, which is why I'll be ordering the caffeine-free version soon.
Joseph K. - 2022-08-22
This stuff works, although I felt when it came out it worked better, I am curious if they changed the formula.
Karis H. - 2022-08-12
This product gives you lasting energy without making you jittery.
Andrew M. - 2022-08-11
I'm still using my first bottle. Notice some more focus. Move to 8 Pils vs 7 do my height and weight.
Hunt E. - 2022-07-31
Work good for short term focus and energy.
THOMAS F. - 2022-07-30
A fantastic product that has made a noticable difference on my ability to process information quickly. Everything seems clearer.
Ashwin S. - 2022-07-21
Hidden connections between things that were formerly lurking just under the surface of my conscious awareness come to the fore more readily, without any effort. Like a very smooth cup of coffee without jitters, combined with a gentle "big picture" awareness.
Brittany P. - 2022-07-13
Super excited to start these!!
Shelton M. - 2022-07-11
This product is phenomenal!
Cole W. - 2022-06-28
It’s really great
Charlie M. - 2022-06-26 | Beta Tester
I felt very sharp on the days I took this product. I've supplemented with L-theanine for a number of years and estimate that a majority of the positive effects that I felt taking this product are attributable to that, particularly the overall sense of well-being and resilience. Effects that I experienced in addition to what I would normally experience with L-theanine included a heightened sense of attentiveness and improved reasoning ability.
Wendy C. - 2022-06-22 | Beta Tester
I really noticed when I took it I could be much more focused and dialed in. I especially noticed it on 142 mile bike ride and my other long rides close to 100 miles. I could focus and just keep going
Kathleen D. - 2022-06-20 | Beta Tester
Some days I didn’t notice much but most days I experienced a more extended ‘runner’s high’
Nikki M. - 2022-06-15
I really wish I could keep taking this because the effects are wonderful. I have struggled with brain fog and low energy for most of my adult life and Qualia really helped with those symptoms. Unfortunately, there is a taste in the back of my throat all day that I have tried to ignore, but I just can't. It is kind of like garlic or fish. I have a tendency to have this kind of issue with supplements (especially B vitamins), so it may not be a problem for everyone. The aftertaste was more toler...Read more.
Jen C. - 2022-06-15 | Beta Tester
It's hard to separate the effects of this product given many other changes in my running this past month - Location (some altitude, more heat), recovering from a slight glute issue, and doing a half ironman 70.3). But I do feel the product most likely helped me toward running improvements.
Rachel P. - 2022-06-01
It’s ok.
David C. - 2022-06-01 | Beta Tester
Took it for about a month back in 2020, this was the second time taking this product.
Brad B. - 2022-06-01 | Beta Tester
Good product. I could notice improvements with my focus and attention.
Austin S. - 2022-05-31 | Beta Tester
Susan S. - 2022-05-28 | Beta Tester
This helped me focus and get my work done accurately, even when I haven't slept well. It improved my mood. I did not feel as though I needed 7 to get the effect needed.
Westley A. - 2022-05-28 | Beta Tester
Definitely clean energy and motivation; a little bit stimulating but also grounding at the same time. I did better with the slightly-less-is-more approach, and found more of a balanced benefit at 5 capsule dosage rather than 7. This may be an individual thing physiologically, of course. It's an all-in-one product incorporating a lot of beneficial herbal extracts and nutraceuticals. You can't go wrong!
Mauricio H. - 2022-05-27 | Beta Tester
Good overall