
Guest - 2019-09-27
After taking this product I always feel focused on my work and tasks I have throughout the day. It’s a great product and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to feel energized and focused in the morning and throughout the whole day.
Todd P. - 2019-09-26
Helps with clarity of thoughts, memory, concentration—without feeling it any other way—change is subtle but overall profound.
Dan H. - 2019-09-26
I have been taking this for over a year now and I have had nothing but a positive experience. When I combine Qualia Focus with my morning breathing (Wim Hof Method), meditation and a CrossFit workout I will have 6-10 incredibly productive hours. I would put my productivity increase due to Qualia Focus at 30%. This is an awesome product.
W. - 2019-09-26
I love these 2 products. These give me the mental edge I need, especially in the AM when trying to accomplish tasks which take a high amount of concentration.
Zoha F. - 2019-09-24
Neurohacker has made it easier for me to focus and be present in any given task. I still have to be mindful and present, but neurohacker has been a great support.
Guest - 2019-09-22
Highly recommend for enhancing every aspect of life from highly mimetic emotional intelligence to lightning fast emotional “fabric” based problem resolution in the workplace, to individual and group based out of the box thought on novel challenges. When combined with regular sleep, positive closed loop environmentally considerate choices in diet, and a drive “be a better participant in the human experience” this stuff puts you much higher than just the just top of your game, it makes aware of...Read more.
Paul L. - 2019-09-22
I have been on Qualia Mind for 2 weeks now and i love it. I am so much more focused and a lot more productive at work. the world of nootropics has opened my eyes to playing a bigger game within my business life.
William D. - 2019-09-17
Definitely helped me focus a bit more.
Karim R. - 2019-09-16
It’s working really good then other products.
Guest - 2019-09-15
Noticeable change in mental clarity and diminished brain fog
Steve L. - 2019-09-13
Please send more
Scott M. - 2019-09-10
I started this product with the hopes of gaining an edge, working harder, etc. I have found that I can now work longer periods of time without distraction enhancing my productivity. There are a lot of changes including more accessibility to my own mind, more connection to information stored in my brain. This is a pretty good product and I would endorse it wholeheartedly.
John P. - 2019-09-09
I've used Qualia CF for about a year now and all I can say is amazing.  I've used nootropics for 25+ years and have never seen such versatile and side effect free performance.  It brings out the natural best of what my brain has to offer.  The depth of consideration and quality of execution is without compare.  I can't even complain about the price although it limits my use considerably.  Hopefully the cost will fall with greater production volume.  I look forward to trying more from the Neur...Read more.
AnneMarie T. - 2019-09-07
Highly recommend
Tyler W. - 2019-09-06
I have been a subscriber for the Qualia and Focus products, so I figured I would try the Eternus product. Recently I had been going through a mentally stressful period and always felt exhausted, so I bought Eternus and decided to do a caffiene hiatus to reduce my stressload. During that time I didn't really change anything else, but what I noticed was that I felt less frazzled by my stress (likely just had more energy to deal with the stress) and I was not exhausted in the afternoon when I ...Read more.
Gray M. - 2019-09-05
I felt more cognitive awareness and sharpness along with physical energy. I can also say, I felt like my sleep was deeper. I don’t know if it’s because I had more physical and mental energy during the day that made me sleeper deeper or if it was due to the ingredients. But I felt as if I was sleeping deeper. It was a domino effect for an all around better day and night! Just looking at the ingredients, I can understand why it’s causing such a positive effect on people! Now being off it for a ...Read more.
Stephanie W. - 2019-09-03
Qualia was a real game changer for me. It helps cut out the unnecessary noise and allows my mind to perform at what feels like peak performance. I noticed a huge improvement in my emotional stability as well. I am very sensitive to caffeine, so when I was trying Qualia Mind if I took the recommended dose or even slightly less, I would get too jittery and anxious (I drink yerba mate in the morning, too). I switched to Qualia Mind Caffeine Free, and I still drink yerba mate to get the caffeine ...Read more.
Nikolajs B. - 2019-08-28
Well balanced formula supports cognitive function without stimulation.
ALAN F. - 2019-08-27
Well, I'm still on the first month taking Qualia, I work with a lot of mental processes throughout the day and at work I didn't feel wow yet, but I use to play classical piano since a while in the week, and I noticed a higher absorption of information (memorizing) during the last times I've played, that really helped me out. I still have to take it for more than only 2 weeks to give you guys something more concrete. However, I'm liking it! Good first impression.. Negative point: I don't lik...Read more.
Cristofer W. - 2019-08-27
I'm a huge fan of these capsules. They have ingredients that no one else uses that have been tested to deliver maximum results. Really useful especially when preventative health is boosting these days and it's hard to find a trustworthy and innovative company that delivers product that beats expectations.
Glen R. - 2019-08-25
I experience sustained energy and an added benefit of feeling focused and pretty darn good throughout the day.
Eric F. - 2019-08-25
Excellent product
Steve/linda L. - 2019-08-25
It promotes good sleep which is why I bought the
Arthur S. - 2019-08-23
Qualia is the most effective supplement I have ever consumed, and has altered my physiological state toward a more positive and cohesive existence. I have used Alpha Brain with success, but Qualia makes it look like Flinstone Vitamins
Guest - 2019-08-22
Qualia is amazing!! I personally expected a lot, and those expectations were definitely met. What impressed me however was the unexpected sense of balance. I've experimented with many of the individual constituent compounds, but they clearly take on a whole-form with this proprietary blend! Thanks again!