
Rushton W. - 2019-07-31
I've been taking Qualia since there was only the Original Stack. I'm currently taking Q. Focus and love it! It has a more intense focus effect than the O.S. so I find I don't need it everyday; I like the full dose for a day I know I need to be honed in and I usually take a half dose or a little less for general work days. Qualia is by far the best nootropic I have ever had since I started exploring them 6-7 years ago.
Cynthia H. - 2019-07-31
I have been using Qualia - Caffeine Free for almost 2 months now and I have noticed a difference in my focus at work and in my personal life! I sleep better, more sound and in the morning I am able to get up energized, ready and able to move so much that I am now re-introducing working out! I love this product!
ALISHER S. - 2019-07-31
Qualia mind is a perfect tool to increase human productivity
Jejuan R. - 2019-07-30
I found Qualia after seeing an ad on Facebook and it sparked some interest because it was comprised of the same combination of supplements I was taking from GNC, but in a single bottle and comparably cheaper price, so I decided to try it and immediately felt the difference it makes. The dosages are perfectly measured and I don't even have to take the full 7 that is prescribed. I love it.
Brandon S. - 2019-07-30
Helps with memory, motivation and focus. A noticeably great help at work.
John K. - 2019-07-30
I've been a Qualia customer for what seems like forever, and I've taken a couple extended breaks to really feel & see the difference without it. I can honestly say coming on and off of it a couple times.... that it makes a huge difference in my life... from cognitive aspects to the very fiber of everyday movement & living itself. It's one of those things where you look back in retrospect and have this profound gratitude that such a well calibrated stack exists. Then came Eternus!!...Read more.
Jeremy D. - 2019-07-30
Outstanding product!
Monika C. - 2019-07-30
Great product. Tried both regular and caffeine free. Regular is working better for me. Better than anything I tried to date. International shipping times could be faster.
ALISHER S. - 2019-07-28
Works very well for me. Its very helpful for gut heals and makes me all day positive and focused
Danielle K. - 2019-06-25
I like this product allot and felt the effects almost immediately with increased energy.
Raphael P. - 2019-06-24
Really Great stuff !!!! Start noticing results with in a week of usage.
Eric O. - 2019-06-21
I have sharper focus and more motivation! I took it 5 days on and 2 days off at first. now I take it sparingly. 2 to 4 times per week because I take other supplements as well. So taking it sparingly helps me to see and feel the difference when I'm not taking it, if there is any. And there is definitely a big difference on the days I take it and on the days I don't! My overall health is better when I take Eternus, energy, mental focus, even eyesight, etc... I definitely recommend it to every...Read more.
Wayne M. - 2019-06-20
I can definitely recommend the Neurohacker Collective's "Eternus" drink mix. For me, at 5 days a week, or less, the results are at once dynamic and subtle: strong mental and physical energy that feels so right you just want to take it for granted. For me, the formula for success is to combine taking [1] a single Qualia Original Stack Step One capsule, and [2] mixing an Eternus packet of the powder into a glass of water - give it a good stir - and drink it all down. Good taste, great results.
Harold (Todd) F. - 2019-06-19
I have been using Eternus now for basically a month and definitely can feel the difference. I have been a customer of Neurohacker for some time under the Qualia product. Both products alone are amazing - combining them takes it to a new level. At 55 years of age, I can state without concern that I feel better than I have since I was in my early 40's. I have more focus, energy, and drive since I started taking the products. My recommendation to everyone is to take the leap and try either or bo...Read more.
Elvis M. - 2019-06-19
As a college student, I strived for better grades and had difficulties studying. After one week of taking Qualia Mind, I noticed the change on myself and could easily recall information from my classes without getting exhausted of studying, I felt that my capability of memorization improved, so all I can say is that this has been one of the best purchases I have ever made.
Karen M. - 2019-06-19
Great product, I have more energy everyday and feel good.
Eric O. - 2019-06-15
Great product! Lot's of good stuff in it to keep you healthy and vigorous! The only downside I see is if you're on a tight budget, this product can get quite expensive, and as with all natural supplements, I will take it as long as I can to see long term results! In the meantime, I would definitely recommend Eternus! On top of being a good product, it tastes great as well!
Michelle M. - 2019-06-12
I have been using the Neurohacker Collective nootropics for several months now. First the Qualia Focus, then Qualia Mind caffeine-free and now Eternus. I am now taking Mind and Eternus, Mind upon waking and Eternus with my first meal (usually late breakfast or early lunch). I have to say these are the days I feel the best - most even energy throughout the day and most productive with a sharp mind. I still skip a couple days a week but make sure to choose days that are more low key and I d...Read more.
Muriel E. - 2019-06-09
Started out with just a few a day and then up to 7 in morning. Starting second week I really notice the lapses in memory and recall time are starting to disappear. I'm very impressed with this product and will certainly continue taking it. I take the Qualia Mind Caffeine Free product and the clarity of mind and general feeling of well being is amazing! Thank you for bringing this product to the market!
Cody C. - 2019-06-05
Not sure how to word this review. I'm on my second bottle. The cycling days are not the same as the days on Eternus. I'm 26 years old, 95% meat diet (couple cheat days here and there), very active. So blessed to be alive in a time where such a well rounded supplement exists. Thanks to all at Neurohacker Collective. Really, thank you.
Garrett P. - 2019-06-05
I have taken Eternus for over a month and love it. For an extra boost I use Qualia, the combination of the two are awesome. For daily brain health Eternus is totally worth it.
Werner M. - 2019-06-04
this is a great product ..not cheap but what at what price is your health not important
Cristina L. - 2019-05-30
I thought that I would never lose my sexual drive. Not me. Then one day, I began having issues. My mind would wonder & I’d lose interest during the act. And worse yet, I finally met the man of my dreams. My soulmate. Long story short. I took the original stack and stopped, realized that perhaps that was keeping stimulated, bought the next version with no results for whatever reason, stopped and then this! Eternus. I had to come back and see what this was. I’m beyond excited when I say tha...Read more.
Werner M. - 2019-05-29
very special product and a huge addition for health and well being
anna d. - 2019-05-28
best of the best!!! you wont know until you experience it