We humans are in a bit of an ‘emergence through emergency’ scenario. If we want to stay in the game, we’re going to need to seriously level up. We call it neurohacking.
We humans are in a bit of an ‘emergence through emergency’ scenario. If we want to stay in the game, we’re going to need to seriously level up. We call it neurohacking.
Famous content creator, whose TED talk reached over 10 million views, Tim Urban joins us today. He is a writer, illustrator and co-founder of Wait But Why. Today he shares with us his story in finding his niche and discovering his passion for creating content for Wait But Why thru using stick figures as his way of illustration. He also talks about innovative ways to sustain yourself in the world of content creation.
We are in the midst of an educational crisis, the scope of which professionals do not have measures or words to address. And so, they wring their hands about our kids’ math scores and the state of our schools. Understanding that our schools are in trouble is a start (and you don’t need the PISA to tell you that). Yet the intensity of the current educational crisis extends far beyond what most people have considered.