Articles in Mind Care

You Can Set Yourself up for Success and Get Into Flow States Every Single Day

You Can Set Yourself up for Success and Get Into Flow States Every Single Day

Your life can be hacked.  In fact it's being hacked all the time without your permission.  Advertising, fast food, fast information (social media), it all affects how you feel and operate in your world and ultimately affects the life you create for yourself.  

But the good news is, you can take control and hack it yourself.

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Exploring Psychedelics and the Mystical - An Interview With Christopher Bache

Exploring Psychedelics and the Mystical - An Interview With Christopher Bache

Christopher Bache shares his courageous and outrageous thought experiments and lived experience with therapeutic psychedelics and his inquiry into the mystical. He brings his interdisciplinary set of frameworks ranging from comparative religion to transpersonal psychology, to his own lived experience of what were the types and classifications and categories of experiences he had. 

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Here’s How We Are Going to Get Through This Together

Here’s How We Are Going to Get Through This Together

Life is different today.  Here’s how we are going to get through this together.

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12 Science-Backed Ways to Manage Stress

12 Science-Backed Ways to Manage Stress

In honor of Stress Awareness month we bring you twelve simple, yet effective, ways to get our bodies, minds, and souls back on track, especially when we are under high stress.

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Take Control of Chronic Stress: Q&A with Dr. David Rabin

Take Control of Chronic Stress: Q&A with Dr. David Rabin

Imagine having the tools to manage your stress levels, even on the most challenging of days. The co-founder, co-inventor and Chief Innovation Officer of Apollo Neuro, Dr. David Rabin, is a psychiatrist and a neuroscientist who has studied mental health extensively with a particular interest in new, promising, non-invasive treatments that don't carry a significant risk. He co-created the Apollo device, which is wearable technology that uses vibration to balance the nervous system. Apollo brings the body back into balance by sending safety signals to our brains through our sense of touch, just like when someone gives us a hug on a bad day. Read on for a Q&A with Dr. David Rabin.

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There's Nothing Funny or Interesting about Perfection

There's Nothing Funny or Interesting about Perfection

I was recently interviewed for the PureJoy podcast.  We talked about all the things they cover on that podcast; health, wellbeing, our products, and human optimization.  It was all things I'm very interested in both professionally and personally.  Towards the end of the recording Elaina Love, the host, asked me a great question, (paraphrasing)  "What are you working on perfecting about yourself now?

I paused for a moment to think about my answer and what areas of my life I'm working on and perfecting and it hit me.

Not being so damn perfect

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The Stories We Tell, Part 1.

The Stories We Tell, Part 1.

There’s an old quote by Mark Twain that goes

I Am an Old Man and Have Known a Great Many Troubles, But Most of Them Never Happened

This quote is probably misattributed to Twain as there is much speculation about who actually said it first ranging from Thomas Jefferson to English author Martin Farquhar Tupper, Seneca, Winston Churchill, James A. Garfield, and more.

The source of the quote doesn’t matter.  Its truth resonates as it was probably thought, written and spoken by many men throughout history in slightly different forms.

The point of the quote is we do not live in reality.  We live our lives in the stories we tell.

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You Have Less Than 100 Days Left...

You Have Less Than 100 Days Left...

You have less than a hundred days until the end of the year.  Or maybe less, depending on when you are reading this.

Of course it’s all arbitrary.  The end of the year or the beginning of the next is just a day like any other.  But as the time passes and we see and set dates for our goals and dreams, we are reminded of the work we want to do and the world we wish to create for ourselves.

What are your goals for the next 100 days?

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You Never Know What You Can Do Until You Try...

You Never Know What You Can Do Until You Try...

...and very few try unless they have to. - CS Lewis.

As the new year approaches and you seek to make positive changes in your life, the results will come from trying something new.

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How Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Promotes Neural Plasticity - A Q&A With Molly Maloof, MD

How Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Promotes Neural Plasticity - A Q&A With Molly Maloof, MD

Discover the neuroscience behind the use of psychedelic-assisted therapy in treating trauma and promoting neural plasticity

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Eight Healthy Morning Habits to Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally Start Your Day

Eight Healthy Morning Habits to Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally Start Your Day

Find a successful person and you will find a structured morning routine.

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4 Tips to Manage Your Time & Reclaim Your Productivity

4 Tips to Manage Your Time & Reclaim Your Productivity

Time. It’s the one thing in life you can never get back. And while it seems that people everywhere in today’s world are working harder and longer than ever, are they using their time as effectively as they could?

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Have you ever experienced complete silence?

Have you ever experienced complete silence?

We live in remarkable times. We really do. We often don’t pause and reflect upon the amazing things we have created. We have self driving cars, and we carry computers in our pockets. It’s all pretty awesome, but it comes with a price. The price of this ubiquity of technology and convenience is distraction. We are more digitally distracted today than at any other time in our history, it’s all happened quite recently, and we haven’t had the time to adapt and evolve yet.

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Why Happiness Eludes Us...For Now

Why Happiness Eludes Us...For Now

    It is an imperative of both morality and self-preservation to improve our circumstances. British philosopher David Pearce’s 1995 work The Hedonistic Imperative speaks to this outrageous scope of suffering not so much being a condition of modernity, but more so a condition of being human.

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Using Sex, Psychology & Surfing to Reprogram Your State of Consciousness from Jamie Wheal’s Stealing Fire

Using Sex, Psychology & Surfing to Reprogram Your State of Consciousness from Jamie Wheal’s Stealing Fire

Can altered states of consciousness boost creativity, problem solving, and performance?

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Using Psychedelics to Increase Performance and Reprogram the Mind/Brain Interface

Using Psychedelics to Increase Performance and Reprogram the Mind/Brain Interface

If neurohacking is about upgrading the hardware our consciousness runs on, we would be remiss not to mention these technologies of altered states.

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Online Education: An Exploration of 7 Websites to Fuel Your Mind

Online Education: An Exploration of 7 Websites to Fuel Your Mind

Get ready to fuel your mind with seven of our favorite resources in the form of websites, companies, programs and even apps that should be on your neurohacking radar!

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Mediations During an Educational Crisis

Mediations During an Educational Crisis

We are in the midst of an educational crisis, the scope of which professionals do not have measures or words to address. And so, they wring their hands about our kids’ math scores and the state of our schools. Understanding that our schools are in trouble is a start (and you don’t need the PISA to tell you that). Yet the intensity of the current educational crisis extends far beyond what most people have considered. 

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Techne Tou Biou, Epiphanies, and Higher Consciousness

Techne Tou Biou, Epiphanies, and Higher Consciousness

Plato used the expression “techne tou biou” which translates to the craft of life.  The craft of life is the ongoing learning, discovery, and work of what it means to be you in your world and how you are consciously guiding that experience as it unfolds before you.

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