Collective Insights Blog

Weight vs. Shape: Why Body Shape is a More Comprehensive Metric of Health and Resilience

Weight vs. Shape: Why Body Shape is a More Comprehensive Metric of Health and Resilience

Uncover the root causes, habits, and lifestyle behaviors, backed by science, key to improving body shape, weight, and health.

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How to Promote Deep Sleep and Working Memory With Yoga Nidra

How to Promote Deep Sleep and Working Memory With Yoga Nidra

The what and how of promoting deep sleep and working memory with Yoga Nidra. 

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Sleep Tips: How and When to View Light to Get Better Sleep

Sleep Tips: How and When to View Light to Get Better Sleep

Optimize your sleep patterns by understanding the direct influence of our exposure to light throughout the day on sleep rhythms. 

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Research Shows Your Brain Works Differently When You Take Breaks. Here’s Why.

Research Shows Your Brain Works Differently When You Take Breaks. Here’s Why.

A new study shows back-to-back meetings increase stress, but short breaks between meetings allows the brain to reset and relax. Here's what you need to know. 

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Biological Age - What Does It Mean?

Biological Age - What Does It Mean?

We all age, but at different rates. Learn about your biological vs chronological age, and four ways to improve your biological age. 

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The Latest Biohacking Techniques to Improve Brain Health and Defy Aging

The Latest Biohacking Techniques to Improve Brain Health and Defy Aging

Unlock the power of biohacking within the comfort of your own home by delving into the realms of sleep tracking, micronutrient levels, blood analysis, hormones, and neurofeedback. Explore the latest biohacking trends as favored by Ben Greenfield in this insightful read.

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Expert Biohacking Tips to Increase Your Athletic Performance and Recovery

Expert Biohacking Tips to Increase Your Athletic Performance and Recovery

What if we could level-up our performance by biohacking hydration and electrolyte protocols, maintaining peak alkalosis during workouts, and using key minerals to not only aid in workout recovery, but longevity as a whole?

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Unlocking Longevity: The Central Role of NAD in Aging and Healthspan

Unlocking Longevity: The Central Role of NAD in Aging and Healthspan

Learn why the NAD coenzyme plays a critical role in cellular metabolism and is involved in the synthesis of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids - making it essential for the maintenance and repair of all tissues in the body.

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Akkermansia For Gut Health

Akkermansia For Gut Health

Akkermansia is a next generation probiotic and turning heads for its studied support of human health, the gut microbiota, and metabolism. Learn more about this powerful keystone species.

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What Are Senolytics? The Science and Benefits

What Are Senolytics? The Science and Benefits

What are senolytics? Learn the latest science to support senolytics and how the ongoing research behind senolytics may revolutionize health and longevity as we know it. 

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Try This Proven Breathing Exercise to Improve The Quality of Your Sleep

Try This Proven Breathing Exercise to Improve The Quality of Your Sleep

A recent sleep study showed that continuous paced breathing is a simple method to improve relaxation and promote better sleep. Here’s what you need to know.

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The Power of NAD: Unlocking the Secrets of Healthy Aging

The Power of NAD: Unlocking the Secrets of Healthy Aging

NAD, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a hub molecule in cellular metabolism, directly or indirectly impacting all 12 of the hallmarks of aging. Learn the science behind supporting healthy NAD levels.

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Nicotinamide - Longevity Benefits and Uses

Nicotinamide - Longevity Benefits and Uses

NAD+ is a central molecule of cellular function and metabolism that serves many fundamental functions in the human body, particularly in cellular energy production. Learn the benefits of nicotinamide and how it supports general health and healthy aging.

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The Biohacking Tools You Need to Extend Your "Sexspan" For Longevity - An Interview With Susan Bratton

The Biohacking Tools You Need to Extend Your "Sexspan" For Longevity - An Interview With Susan Bratton

What follows is a transcript from the discussion with renowned sexual biohacker, Susan Bratton, on the the biohacking tools you need to extend your 'sex span' for longevity.

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How to Slow Aging

How to Slow Aging

Can aging really be slowed or is that simply line being sold to health optimizers? Science doesn't lie. Here's what you need to know.

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How to Improve Mitochondrial Health for More Energy, Vitality, and Longevity - An Interview With Dr. Molly Maloof

How to Improve Mitochondrial Health for More Energy, Vitality, and Longevity - An Interview With Dr. Molly Maloof

What follows is a transcript from our Collective Insights episode with Dr. Molly Maloof that discusses why humanity is facing an “energy crisis” and approaches commonly used by biohackers to optimize mitochondrial health.

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Are The Natural Senolytic Compounds in Food Enough to Experience Senolytic Benefits?

Are The Natural Senolytic Compounds in Food Enough to Experience Senolytic Benefits?

Can natural senolytic compounds found in food really provide you with the known longevity benefits associated with senolytics? The answer may surprise you. 

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Work at a Desk? Study Shows Just 1 Minute of Squats Beats Brain Fatigue

Work at a Desk? Study Shows Just 1 Minute of Squats Beats Brain Fatigue

Stuck at a desk all day? Studies show just one minute of squatting exercises may help beat brain fatigue and boost mental energy.

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How to Use Cold Therapy and Light Exposure to Boost Health and Longevity - An Interview With Thaddeus Owen

How to Use Cold Therapy and Light Exposure to Boost Health and Longevity - An Interview With Thaddeus Owen

Biohacker Thaddeus Owen discusses how our modern world has largely gotten rid of winter and why it’s come at a cost to our health, waistlines, and resilience in this transcript from a recent Collective Insights episode. 

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Senescence: What Are Senolytics

Senescence: What Are Senolytics

Cellular senescence is one of the main contributors to the aging process and has a significant impact on healthspan. Read on to better understand the concept of cellular senescence and the evolving field of senolytics.

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Do Brain Supplements Work?

Do Brain Supplements Work?

Do brain supplements actually work? What do studies show? Learn the truth about nootropics and how they can enhance your everyday life.

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NAD+ Precursors Showdown: NMN vs. NR

NAD+ Precursors Showdown: NMN vs. NR

There's a lot of talk about NMN and NR (precursors for NAD+) within the longevity space. Learn the differences between NMN and NR and which one is right for you. 

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Longevity and Epigenetics: Expert Biohacking Tips to Boost Healthspan - An Interview With Nathalie Niddam

Longevity and Epigenetics: Expert Biohacking Tips to Boost Healthspan - An Interview With Nathalie Niddam

With a keen focus on actionable biohacking and data-driven healthtech, this transcript from our Collective Insights episode with Nathalie Niddam is a treasure trove of the latest biohacking tech and tips to boost healthspan.

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Fisetin Benefits and How it Works

Fisetin Benefits and How it Works

Explore the science-backed benefits of the senolytic fisetin and how to use it to boost longevity.

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Fear of People's Opinions: How to Overcome The Greatest Constrictor of Human Potential - An Interview With Dr. Michael Gervais

Fear of People's Opinions: How to Overcome The Greatest Constrictor of Human Potential - An Interview With Dr. Michael Gervais

In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Michael Gervais, one of the world's top high-performance psychologists and leading experts on the relationship between the mind and human performance. Today we discuss overcoming what may be the single greatest constrictor of human potential: our fear of people’s opinions (FOPO).

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